The problematics that has the community of the neighborhood Moralba that this located in the locality of St Kitts in Bogota is that many residues of garbages are seen in the corners of the neighborhood and this this one affecting seriously the health of the sector.
The project FOR ONE MORE ENVIRONMENT I RECOVER it has as intention gather garbages and classify them since it is owed, in order that the pollution diminishes considerably and this way the persons who live in the sector, do not meet affected in health and do not suffer diseases as gripa, fastidiousness, toz between others.
To gather and to classify the garbages for concientizar and to educate the children and young women of the sector on the benefits that the good use of the garbage has improving the quality of life and of the environment.
To achieve that the young persons recycle in the house for the improvement of the environment.
To realize a chat where we prune concientizar the young persons of the importance that has the recycling and the benefit that we do to him to the planet.
To contribute with the decrease of the pollution in order that with this one the global warming and other phenomena that have been caused by the man do not continue affecting the planet.
The problem that one presents in this sector is the inadequate use of the garbages and residues, the intention is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants to achieve this intention we will realize a chat it brings over of the classification and use of the garbages and finally there were visited some of the neighboring houses delivering three bags of different color for the classification of the garbages and with this the environment will be mas purely.
In the activities of social responsibility project we're going to take the following order:
1. We will go to homes where we will work the use, handling and sorting of recycling, with the respective materials.
2. We started taking information from the classification of wastes for construction of a brochure will be delivered in the homes where we will carry out this action.
3. There will be the activity identified in the schedule of activities.
4. Photographs are taken of the members of the company during and after the activity.
2. We started taking information from the classification of wastes for construction of a brochure will be delivered in the homes where we will carry out this action.
3. There will be the activity identified in the schedule of activities.
4. Photographs are taken of the members of the company during and after the activity.
After making the entire process of the scheduled activity will be a meeting between the members of the company ANYUVI to assess whether the activity has benefited in some way the environment or the community, that is, if the project served or not served.